Thursday, January 22, 2009


Wednesday afternoon:
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs expressed doubt that "President Obama will take the oath of office again, to rectify any lingering concerns over the legality of the mangled version".

Per Drudge: "At 7:35 pm, Roberts administered the oath of office again to obama in the map room."

First lesson from this new administration: Ignore every utterance from press secretary Robert Gibbs' lying pie hole.

Quick poll question:
Since the first oath was flubbed so badly that a do-over was necessary, who was president between the oaths? Was George W. Bush still president by default, or is it non-negotiable that the exiting president's administration expires at noon on Inauguration day? Maybe we were rudderless and without our messiah-in-chief for over 30 hours!

*HORRORS at the thought!*

Caroline Kennedy told the NYT that she was, you know, available to run things, you know, temporarily.

Al Haig sent Obama a text message to his Blackberry after the initial oath stating, "As of now, I am in control here."

"We're going to try to seat Al Franken," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Meanwhile, George Soros quietly continues to pull the strings behind the scenes as the true power of the party.

"It's all moot now, as Obama is most certainly MOTUS after the second oath was flawless," stated White House press secretary Robert Gibbs. I guess that settles that then.

Obama has officially assumed his Throne (formerly known as "chair") in the Oval Office. Sitting behind a cleaned desk, he makes a few quick phone calls. Reports state he made his first call to President Abbas. I would venture to guess that his next calls were to the rest of the Arab world, Castro, Chavez, Ahkmadeenadude, and possibly Oprah. Not sure of the order.

At some point, Obama opens a desk drawer and finds an envelope marked, "To: #44, From: #43". As is tradition, it was a personal note from the exiting president to he incoming president. What did it say!? Your guess is as good as mine.

"It simply stated 'MISHUN AKOMPLUSHED' scrawled with a crayon in big block letters," said White House press secretary Robert Gibbs.

Shut up sir. You have no credibility here. As for the note, we can be confident that it was full of class and sincerity, just like the man who wrote it.


  1. "Meanwhile, George Soros quietly continues to pull the strings behind the scenes as the true power of the party."

    George Soros is our new Dick Cheney.

  2. Blade, I noticed the number of hits to your site soared yesterday. Now you can wear your "Drudge" hat with pride!

  3. I learned that Robert Gibbs is not to be believed during the campaign. He is a skilled liar.

  4. RK- Next thing we'll see is George Soros tooling around in a wheelchair like Mr. Potter.
    Pic Pic- It's the magic of google. Apparently, my insensitive title the other day was/is on page 1 for those insensitive "oafs" who search for "Oaf of office". If the MSM is to be believed, 72% winced and quickly left while 18% have joined the chattering teeth army! Still a modest pull, but we do what we can!:)
    cube- He should fit right in then.

  5. I think the most telling thing here is the first phone call. I think this should scare the Hell out of us.

  6. Pic-Pic, where did you see DaBlade with a Drudge hat?

    Where did he come up with that idea? It must have been a stroke of genius.

  7. Yes, I have heard countless cracks about what might have been in the note #43 left for #44. Of course, all the suggestions are crass and inappropriate. Obama's White House is not off to a very good start.

  8. PCC- The whole "Mission Accomplished" banner thing was a microcosm of the way the big media and the rest of the left treated and misrepresented President Bush his entire administration.

    I can't wait for the day when a president of the US is once again shown the kind of naked hatred that Bush has had to endure these last 8 years, because it will mean that we have regained the White House.

  9. Bill-CT, Blade used to have a picture of himself sporting a "Drudge" hat at his "view my complete profile" part of his blog. I think he took that picture down and replaced it with the chattering teeth mobile. Maybe we can get him to put it back up somewhere. He owes it to his adoring public!!

  10. "Since the first oath was flubbed so badly that a do-over was necessary, who was president between the oaths?"

    I think Bill Clinton declared himself President during these hours. At least he said he was in order to pick up more chicks.

    @pcc: "Yes, I have heard countless cracks about what might have been in the note #43 left for #44"

    How about "Barack, you won't have to change the carpet. I had to change it after Clinton left, of course."
