Monday, September 7, 2009


The Detroit Tigers enjoy a rare day off after having won their last 6 in a row to take a 7 game lead over the Twinkies. That's just great! What am I supposed to do now?


  1. Who are they?

    Are they as good as the NY Yankees?

  2. The Yankees-the best team money can buy.

    Have a good day DaBlade.

  3. Cute! I feel like that too, but can't get that comfortable!

  4. Just keep writing, DaBlade..keep writing posts! :-)

  5. DaBlade, you really should joing a golf league next year. It will do you good.

  6. Lone V- Time will tell. Anything can happen in a series.
    Chuck- Thanks I did... and will. you too.
    Linda- I can fall asleep within seconds of hitting the couch. If I could turn this talent into cold hard cash...
    Z- I shall!
    Bill-CT- Why, have I been a little high strung lately? I wanted to golf THIS year but the Obamaconomy and job insecurities prevented me. Hopefully next year I'll get back into "the swing". :)
