Monday, October 17, 2016

Hey Sparty, Can you hear me now?

Hey, I’m Paul, I'm that schmarmy and effeminate pretend hipster who wears horn-rimmed glasses and a real imitation faux-leather jacket. I used to be known for those Verizon commercials where I asked, "Can you hear me now?."

But guess what, it’s 2016, and every network is great. In fact, Sprint’s reliability is now within 1% of Verizon.

Hey, I'm Jim Bob, and I never went to college but I used to be a Spartan fan and our slogan was, "It Starts Here," and I used to talk smack on the 'puter to all the Michigan fans. Not anymore. And certainly not after our 4th straight loss, with the latest against Northwestern - who lit us up for 54 points. Talk about 'Sh*tty coverage!'.
But guess what, it’s 2016, and the Michigan Wolverines are great.  Can I switch my loyalties like Paul?