Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Swedish Meatballs

*yawn* Red Wings outshoot Penguins something like 192 to 3, but Crosby and his sissy-marys manage to win in the third overtime, completely wasting my sleep deprivation *yawn* and guaranteeing a 50% motor function capacity all day. By the way, why does the pull-the-goalie desperation move at the end of regulation work about 98% of the time against the Wings, and only about 1% for them?

Sure, they celebrated in Pittsburgh last night...

But they are only postponing the inevitable


  1. But the CBS color commentators, hockey lovers and Pittsburgh fans they are, were ecstatic!!
    Every intermission was spent positing what it would take for Pitt to win.... Their advice must have worked.

  2. By the way, why does the pull-the-goalie desperation move at the end of regulation work about 98% of the time against the Wings, and only about 1% for them?

    Don't forget their stellar record in shoot-outs too..!
