Recycled pics for your pleasure (and because it's Saturday and I'm lazy)
Now gimmee some candy because I'm Crazy Newspaper Face!
NEW YORK – Sting isn't a religious man, but he says President Barack Obama might be a divine answer to the world's problems. "In many ways, he's sent from God," he joked in an interview, "because the world's a mess."
On one side of the fertile lot stands an abandoned house, stripped long ago for scrap. On the other side, another abandoned house, windows boarded, structure sagging. And diagonally across the street, two more abandoned houses, including one blackened by a fire maybe a year ago, maybe two.When life gives you lemons, make lemonade... and If life gives your neighborhood "10 contiguous lots where a row of houses once stood," become a community garden organizer and grow some turnips or something.
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Amidst all the Wall Street bad guys and corrupt members of Congress exposed in "Capitalism: A Love Story," I pose a simple question in the movie: "Is capitalism a sin?" I go on to ask, "Would Jesus be a capitalist?" Would he belong to a hedge fund? Would he sell short? Would he approve of a system that has allowed the richest 1% to have more financial wealth than the 95% under them combined?Way to twist "JC's" message Mikey. The day I start taking religious guidance from the likes of you, it will be a cold day in Obamaland. I'm sure Jesus would be a dope-smoking liberal who would be in favor of the left's systematic murder of babies through abortion, right? What's 50 million souls butchered in the name of liberalism, so that woman will not be "punished" by His creation.
I have come to believe that there is no getting around the fact that capitalism is opposite everything that Jesus (and Moses and Mohammed and Buddha) taught. All the great religions are clear about one thing: It is evil to take the majority of the pie and leave what's left for everyone to fight over. Jesus said that the rich man would have a very hard time getting into heaven. He told us that we had to be our brother's and sister's keepers and that the riches that did exist were to be divided fairly. He said that if you failed to house the homeless and feed the hungry, you'd have a hard time finding the pin code to the pearly gates.
Elvis - In The Ghetto | Duran Duran - Rio |
LOS ANGELES — In television's latest quest to discourage viewers from skipping ads, actors from NBC and ABC shows are appearing in character in commercials to interact with products in parallel story lines.That's just great! If this catches on, I'll never get to "powder my nose"! I always wait to powder my nose during the commercial breaks so I don't miss anything important. If Dr. House starts showing up popping Vicodin in the Cialis Commercials while pushing the plot line along, my nose will just have to wait for powdering. I hope they're happy! If my nose goes over 4 hours without powder, I will need immediate medical attention.
This new kind of commercial further blurs the line between program and advertisement and comes as traditional product placements within shows, an early response to fast-forwarding, have become common.