Sunday, May 17, 2009

Two Graduates from the class of 2030 sit out their Notre Dame Commencement due to the fact that they were aborted


  1. Sad, but so true. As I've been known to say in the past, 'It is the economy, stupid!' When we think of all the children that have been aborted since 1973, they could have been the backbone of America and the tax base. Social Security would be secure, as well as Medicare. Of course with the 'slippery slope' of abortion, it won't be long before they tell us 'old folks' will be forced to drink the 'koolaid'!

    If you think about it, the ones that are passing the laws today, will be the first in line in a few years. Think they'll want to drink the 'koolaid'?

  2. Come on DaBlade, it was a choice. Not their choice, but a choice.

  3. Linda- They won't have to drink any arsenic laced kool aid, they will just be denied treatment in the rationed Obamacare system.
    Chuck- A very sad day for DaBlade, but an optimist would say today was the beginning of the end. The start of a necessary purging. We'll see.

  4. Oh, ARE clever. What a post. that about says it all!
