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OBAMA: "I'm proud of what we've achieved, but I'm not content. I'm pleased with our progress, but I'm not satisfied... We have to lay a new foundation."
Overall, microorganisms are about evenly divided on the questions of whetherI guess it matters who you ask the question to and what their objectives are.tortureTamiflu is justifiable interrorismflu cases and whether there should be official inquiries into any past illegality involving the treatment ofterrorism suspectsthese mutant germ strains. About half of all microorganisms, and 52 percent of bacteria, said there are circumstances in which the patient should consider employingtorturemedicines against such suspects.
Madison, Wis.: "Obama's Plan: White Slavery."I admit that when I read these, I did not react with a Perez Hilton type hissy fit of astonishment. I was not offended. In fact, I really like Tampa's! That said, there were better signs - many of which I saw on Fox with their excellent Tea Party coverage - or I saw them on all of YOUR blogs I read to help keep my sanity (I know, it doesn't appear to be working :) While I have never been to a leftist hippie democrat marxist protest, I'm sure they never would have such OFFENSIVE signs as these rightwing extremists. *choke*
Downtown Chicago: "The American Taxpayers Are the Jews for Obama's Ovens."
Sacramento: "Our Tax [Dollar] $ Given to Hamas to Kill Christians, Jews and Americans, Thanks Mr. O."
Tampa: No words, just a color cartoon of President Barack Obama grabbing Uncle Sam from behind and slitting the old man's throat.
Chicago again: "Barack Hussein Obama, The New Face of Hitler"—on a large picture of Adolf Hitler with Obama's face bearing a Hitler-style mustache superimposed over the face of a picture of the original Hitler.
Apple has removed a downloadable iPod/iPhone game from its online iTunes App Store where the point is to shake a crying baby to death...In this age of liberal tolerance and Obama's affinity and support for infanticide, I ask, "what's the big deal!?" It's OK to promote the continued murder of actual living human babies from conception until sometime after birth (Obama will let us know the definitive time period when his paygrade is raised). However, it is somehow distasteful to cross the eyes of a cartoon baby?
According to people who downloaded and played the game, in order to stop the crying sound, the player had to shake the phone vigorously. The game ends when two red crosses appear on the baby's eyes, signifying that it has died.
Many worshippers of Earth Day apparently pray to a deity figure called Gaia, or Mother Earth. I'm not sure if she is a drug-induced hallucination, a bit of undigested potatoe, or Al Gore in drag. But in any case, all I can say is, "Gaia, you go girl"!Well, it's Earth Day 2009, and it's time for me to get back on that green and flatulating horse for the sake of the world. Earth Day just so happens to fall on garbage day at DaBlade's house this year, and I will be sending quite the curb full of refuse to it's final resting place today. Since I don't believe or fear an imminent Earth Apocalypse, I am in the minority and obviously have more learning to do. That's where the newly launched environmental website "Greener Schnitzels" comes in.
HONOLULU – Federal wildlife officials say they plan to spend more than $14 million to prevent the extinction of the Hawaiian crow, one of the rarest forest birds in the world.If you are an environmentalmidget, then the obvious answer is "B". While the Hawaiian crow and the American crow are virtually identical (except for the tiny and colorful flower leis around the alala's neck), no amount of money should be spared (or printed) in trying to reinsert this bird. Elderly Hawaiians wax nostalgic about the good old days when the alala were so prolific, they were actually ignored and even thought of as nuisances (Just like mainlanders do now).
The endangered bird, known as the alala, is only found in captivity on the Big Island.
Two bird conservation centers are home to 56 alala. The bird hasn't been seen in the wild since 2002.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says its five-year plan to restore alala populations includes protection of habitats and management of threats to the species.
Scientists also believe that the 'alala's natural enemy, the Hawaiian hawk, has killed many of the rare crows, especially in areas where ungulate grazing has reduced understory cover.
In the 1990s a program to remove eggs from wild 'alala nests and raise the chicks in captivity was accomplished by workers from the Peregrine Fund under contract to the Fish and Wild Service.
Sixteen birds from that program were released into the wild, but the hawks killed five, and the rest died from other causes. Releases were halted in 1999 because experts feared too many deaths would deplete the bird's genetic diversity.
"The White House wanted a simple backdrop of flags and pipe and drape for the speech, consistent with what they've done for other policy speeches," she wrote. "Frankly, the pipe and drape wasn't high enough by itself to fully cover the IHS and cross above the GU seal and it seemed most respectful to have them covered so as not to be seen out of context."Will it surprise anyone when similar demands are made of Notre Dame in advance of the Obamasiah's planned commencement address in May?
ISFAHAN, Iran (AP) — Iranian scientists have cloned a goat and plan future experiments they hope will lead to a treatment for stroke patients, the leader of the research said Wednesday. The female goat, named Hana, was born early Wednesday...
"With the birth of Hana, Iran is among five countries in the world cloning a baby goat," said Isfahani, an embryologist.
Iran's cloning program has won backing from Shiite Muslim religious leaders, who have issued decrees authorizing animal cloning...
WASHINGTON – Is Bo a rescued dog or not? Did President Obama keep or break a campaign promise in picking the purebred as the family's new pet?Horrors to even ask such a question! Accusing our president of possibly lying about the origins of his new family dog Bo? This, after he single-handedly saved Captain Richard Phillips from the Somali pirates!? How can you question our commander-in-chief after having ordered the end of a week long standoff between the might of the United States Navy, with it's behemoth warships surrounding a rubber raft full of untrained teenagers with heavy weapons?
Enter Bo, a 6-month-old puppy given up by his first owner and matched with the Obamas through his breeders. Because he was given up by his first owner as a poor fit and is now with his second owners, the Obamas, but never spent time in a shelter or with a rescue group, Bo is a "quasi-rescue dog,"...A "quasi-rescue dog?" Because this pure bred lived in a mansion prior to the White House?
President Obama's most liberal supporters say they are dismayed and disgusted because this administration is invoking the "state secrets" privilege -- just as former President George W. Bush did -- to shield eavesdropping programs from public exposure.Shhhhhhush! he's listening!
"I wasn't happy when George Bush asserted that he could do these things and I'm not happy that President Obama is now agreeing with George Bush," said Jane Hamsher of Accountability Now.
NAIROBI, Kenya – A U.S. destroyer on Thursday reached the waters where Somali pirates held the American captain of a hijacked cargo ship that was later retaken by the crew in an hours-long high seas drama.Not to worry pirates. Obama will soon arrive on the scene to begin negotiations and to listen to your concerns. I'm sure Obama would be happy to offer up some iPods to your crew after bowing repeatedly to your captain. If you'll allow, he will prostrate himself and swab yer decks. Just give him a bucket and a mop.
The pirates took Capt. Richard Phillips as a hostage as they escaped into a lifeboat Wednesday in the first such attack on American sailors in around 200 years...
"The pirates are in a very, very tight corner," Middleton said. "They've got only one guy, they've got nowhere to hide him, they've got no way to defend themselves effectively against the military who are on the way and they are hundreds of miles from Somalia."
"What happened was that I, and some other people who have been involved in the past, feel like the "Monologues" are an amazing piece that talks about women's sexuality that can be very productive for Notre Dame students," she said. "But unfortunately, what happens when the "Monologues" are put on, is they turn into more of a scandal than an action piece."Monologues, Monologues, Monologues. Looks to me like you have an aversion to the V word lady.
"The Vagina Monologues" were first performed at Notre Dame in February 2002 as part of a campaign to raise awareness about violence against women, according to a Feb. 27, 2002 Observer report.Well what could be MORE violent than the
"Each country has its own quirks and own particular issues that a leader may decide is really, really important, something that is non-negotiable for them," Obama told a news conference.So How's that approach working with that little pot-bellied North Korean dictator? I'm sure if you just talk to him and listen to his concerns.
"And what we tried to do as much as possible was to accommodate those issues in a way that did not hamper the effectiveness of the overall document," he told the jam-packed room of both foreign and American journalists.
Describing his approach to world affairs, Obama said America was a "critical actor and leader on the world stage," but that it exercises its clout best when it listens to other countries' concerns.
Obama declined to make explicit comparisons between himself and President Bush, but the comments were intended to mark a contrast from what critics of Obama's predecessor said was a tendency towards a "go-it-alone" approach.
Obama Jokes With the Queen About Jet Lag, noodles, and nodding off. AAAAAwkward! | Jimmy Kimmel Live - Jimmy plays a clip of Obama greeting the queen |
The six men have volunteered to spend more than three months in isolation to simulate the experience of a manned flight to Mars. The crew will subsist on freeze-dried space rations and will clean themselves with wet wipes; they’ll also go without smoking, alcohol, TV, and internet.This sounds like the rest of us soon in this new Obama economy. All this story needs is Paulie Shore and a urine recycler and we have a hit movie.