Thursday, November 29, 2012

This week in Facebook land

Last week, Facebook Privacy warnings started showing up again on status updates in the circle of my friends, family, acquaintances (and "who the hell are theys?"). You've seen them. The most recent viral warnings started out like this:

In response to the new Facebook guidelines I hereby declare that my copyright is attached to all my personal details, illustrations, comics, paintings, professional photos and videos, (blah blah blah blah) 

A few days later, partypoopers (or evil doers?) started posting hoax warnings (snopes) and informing folks that you can't protect your privacy rights by posting this notice. After all, does a "DO NOT REMOVE UNDER PENALTY OF LAW" mattress warning label prevent the bedsheets from becoming soiled after adult night terrors? (sorry, just zoned out for a second).

So I decided to have a little fun with the microscopic slice of the American public who happens to be both Facebook friends with me AND an obamabot. They are so easily swayed by everything but the truth so I thought this might fly. Feel free to use this on your own FB page and have a little fun torturing your own collection of "progressive" dumbshits, as this blog has been declared an open forum.

FAKE PRIVACY HOAX NOTICE: Well, well Mr. Zuckerberg! You have done it again with a FAKE HOAX message propagated on Facebook in hopes that the unsuspecting and trusting among us would put our guards down and remove our original privacy warning posts so you can look at, and copy our content on your computer in a dark basement corner. Perv. Well I won't fall for it mister! I'm doubling down, so chew
on this!

I hereby declare that my copyright is attached to the backside of every one of my digital pictures, including - all pictures of people being 'ignernt'; pictures of my pet dogs and cats being silly (please don't copy and make them your wallpaper), as well as unattractive photos of plates of food I am about to consume - apparently taken when I am extremely inebriated - (but not including any unfortunate photos of food consumed long ago and since evacuated).

In conclusion, with this invisible copyright I deny you permission to gaze admiringly at photos of me in my gallery, nor are you allowed to read my clever and witty status updates without my written consent. They're private!

DO NOT copy and paste this message because that would mean you have actually read this warning, and that would be in violation of the statement itself.

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