Today's offering (from Live Science):
Robot 'spy' gorilla records wild gorillas singing and farting, because nature is beautiful
Pictured - A mountain gorilla family in Uganda peers into the "spy" camera.
You'll have to read the story to see whether the robot spy monkey really resembles Nan Pelosi (and the chorus of flatulating gorillas sounds exactly like Congress back in session).
I watched the video... I don't think that's 'singing', but hey - everyone's a critic.
Now to establish my creds as a dedicated part-time independent self-proclaimed primate specialist and self-described world renowned leader in monkey posts - a walk down memory lane...
We covered Naruto the monkey selfies and copyright laws

we covered Thailand’s “Uncle Fat” Macaque
...the morbidly obese wild monkey who gorged himself on junk food and soda left behind by tourists.

we covered that controversial gorilla zoo shooting of HaRambo(?)... Maha Rumba?.. Bubbarambe? whatever - where we asked the philosophical question: If Hillary Clinton fell into a gorilla enclosure, would the silverback gorilla smoke a cigar and go golfing?

and this for some reason...
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and heir apparent successor, the Ikea coat-wearing monkey.

we also covered the untimely death of the beloved Pedals the walking Bear (not a primate, but was bullied by one)

..and many, many more (not counting the literally thousands and figuratively millions of sasquatch and bigfoot updates).
So keep your browser steered here for your primate news needs.