The Flint Sit Down Strike was always a source of pride in my family. My mother liked to tell the story of how the newspaper ran a picture of my grandmother lifting my then 5-year-old mother (or maybe it was one of my baby aunts? I don't seem to recall exactly...) through an open shop window into the arms of my grandfather, one of the sit-downers.
Someone looking at that picture probably thought what a sweet human-interest story that a gruff shop rat missed his daughter so. The truth of the matter was that my grandmother was a pistol and she was tire of the strike dragging out so long and wanted Charlie to get his a$$ back home.
I would post the aforementioned picture, but it has somehow been lost to history. Instead is this stock I found at this Michigan History Link.
So it is sad to see that vandals targeted the Sit-Downers Memorial Park in Flint.
That said, it always seemed strange to me that such a big deal is made of that strike even today. The union was a necessary evil in the beginning, but ended up eventually driving GM out of the city. I mean, the water pipes started out delivering cool, refreshing water before eventually spouting the lead. Will the last person left in this city be standing in an over-grown field looking lovingly at a statue of plumbing pipes?
But when society and the media celebrate the destruction of property and the statues of imperfect people, maybe this is what you get. In fact, if it is ok to tear down the statue representing someone with whom you disagree - then maybe the sit-down vandal(s) were upset at these statues and justified for the same reasoning. Had these gentlemen not made a deal with the UAW devil, then just maybe these unfortunate vandals would today be game fully employed in a thriving Flint town instead of roving the cracks and crevasses of this once-vibrant Vehicle City looking to tear something down that isn't already in ruins.
And that's the memo.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Sunday, August 27, 2017
McCain, The Great White Buffoon
Blade: So Senator McCain, what do you think about Trump's pardon of Arpaio?
McCain: The Arapaho? I suppose I'm against it, due to the fact that Trump did it and I am a democrat shill. It undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law or something. The Arapaho Indians should know better. They were a nomadic people who lived on the plains of Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Kansas, so I don't know why they would be profiling Latinos in Arizona. If we've learned anything from the TSA, it's that we should be profiling elderly white woman with walkers.
Blade: Not the Arapaho Indian tribe, sir. Trump pardoned Arpaio.
McCain: Arapaima? You mean those tropical fish? I know they are an invasive species from South America, but that doesn't give them the right to assume the immigration status of other Latinos. No freshwater fish species is above the law.
Blade: No, no, no. Not Arapaima fish... and not the Arapaho Indians. Trump pardoned Arpaio. As in SHERIFF A-R-P-A-I-O!!
McCain: What? You shut YOUR PIEHOLE! That reminds me. I want some pie.
McCain: The Arapaho? I suppose I'm against it, due to the fact that Trump did it and I am a democrat shill. It undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law or something. The Arapaho Indians should know better. They were a nomadic people who lived on the plains of Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, and Kansas, so I don't know why they would be profiling Latinos in Arizona. If we've learned anything from the TSA, it's that we should be profiling elderly white woman with walkers.
Blade: Not the Arapaho Indian tribe, sir. Trump pardoned Arpaio.
McCain: Arapaima? You mean those tropical fish? I know they are an invasive species from South America, but that doesn't give them the right to assume the immigration status of other Latinos. No freshwater fish species is above the law.
Blade: No, no, no. Not Arapaima fish... and not the Arapaho Indians. Trump pardoned Arpaio. As in SHERIFF A-R-P-A-I-O!!
McCain: What? You shut YOUR PIEHOLE! That reminds me. I want some pie.
Friday, August 25, 2017
Hurricane Harvey Annoying Grammar Troll
Residents write messages for Hurricane Harvey
Follow the link above to see these hateful signs displaying their discriminatory climate rhetoric if you must, but be forewarned it leads to the CNN website. Here are some examples of the hate-speech directed against this peace-loving weather front...
and then this beauty...
And now this...
Dear liberals, leftists, progressives, marxists, democrat-socialist numbnuts, transgenders, illegals, antifa a##holes, BLMers and the rest of your ilk -
DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE to take advantage of ALL THE FREE STUFF that is RIGHTFULLY YOURS for the taking!!! THAT'S RIGHT! All the evil capitalists are vacating all their beach-front businesses and just LEAVING ALL THEIR STUFF behind. Just remove the plywood on the doors or windows and HELP YOURSELF! Self serve re-distribution = democrat-socialism. BIG DIFFERENCE!
Oh, but don't forget to put on those special climate glasses you used for last week's eclipse and stand on the beach as Harvey comes ashore. You don't want to be looking directly at that sucker without eye protection.
Once the show is over, just float back to yo crib using your stolen TV set or couch cushions as a floatation device!
BONUS: How to make a Harvey Wallbanger:
a Harvey Wallbanger is a mixed drink that I think has something to do with OJ Simpson liquored-up on Vodka and wielding a screwdriver. According to an exhaustive 2-minute google search, these drinks also include something called, "Galliano". I don't know what that is, but it sounds too much like Galileo, who I think was some alt-right white supremacist climate denier, so you don't want any of that stuff.
Here's hoping all the folks of good will in the great state of Texas stay safe.
(CNN)Residents in the path of Hurricane Harvey are venting over how they feel about the looming storm through messages left on their boarded-up homes and businesses. |
and then this beauty...
And now this...
Dear liberals, leftists, progressives, marxists, democrat-socialist numbnuts, transgenders, illegals, antifa a##holes, BLMers and the rest of your ilk -
DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE to take advantage of ALL THE FREE STUFF that is RIGHTFULLY YOURS for the taking!!! THAT'S RIGHT! All the evil capitalists are vacating all their beach-front businesses and just LEAVING ALL THEIR STUFF behind. Just remove the plywood on the doors or windows and HELP YOURSELF! Self serve re-distribution = democrat-socialism. BIG DIFFERENCE!
Oh, but don't forget to put on those special climate glasses you used for last week's eclipse and stand on the beach as Harvey comes ashore. You don't want to be looking directly at that sucker without eye protection.
Once the show is over, just float back to yo crib using your stolen TV set or couch cushions as a floatation device!
BONUS: How to make a Harvey Wallbanger:
a Harvey Wallbanger is a mixed drink that I think has something to do with OJ Simpson liquored-up on Vodka and wielding a screwdriver. According to an exhaustive 2-minute google search, these drinks also include something called, "Galliano". I don't know what that is, but it sounds too much like Galileo, who I think was some alt-right white supremacist climate denier, so you don't want any of that stuff.
Here's hoping all the folks of good will in the great state of Texas stay safe.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Key pieces of Obama's "Malia at Harvard" plan
Move-in day at Harvard
OBAMA: Number one, we will not talk about numbers of tutors or marxists professors we will employ for furthering Malia's indoctrination. She's not the brightest bulb, so who knows.
Secondly, I've said it many times how counterproductive it is for students to announce the dates they intend to begin or end college. Malia took a gap year after high school - and let's face it, the odds are as long as her substantial forehead that she will be literate in just 4 years. It will depend on conditions on the campus grounds, not arbitrary timetables to graduate.
Lastly, Michelle and I are committed to working with the Harvard Administration, but our support is not a blank check. We expect Malia to be a good little communist, not that Harvard should find that a very difficult task.
Obama said bluntly that Malia was "not education-building again." To finish the point, he added: "She will be killing brain cells," just like her her parents did.
And little Malia and her new marxist democrat socialist classmate friends took off looking for campus statues to vandalize, as Barack and Michelle wept in pride.
Bonus question... what America-hating slogan is on Malia's designer T?
OBAMA: Number one, we will not talk about numbers of tutors or marxists professors we will employ for furthering Malia's indoctrination. She's not the brightest bulb, so who knows.
Secondly, I've said it many times how counterproductive it is for students to announce the dates they intend to begin or end college. Malia took a gap year after high school - and let's face it, the odds are as long as her substantial forehead that she will be literate in just 4 years. It will depend on conditions on the campus grounds, not arbitrary timetables to graduate.
Lastly, Michelle and I are committed to working with the Harvard Administration, but our support is not a blank check. We expect Malia to be a good little communist, not that Harvard should find that a very difficult task.
Obama said bluntly that Malia was "not education-building again." To finish the point, he added: "She will be killing brain cells," just like her her parents did.
And little Malia and her new marxist democrat socialist classmate friends took off looking for campus statues to vandalize, as Barack and Michelle wept in pride.
Bonus question... what America-hating slogan is on Malia's designer T?
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Eclipse glasses... parting is such sweet sorrow.
Our story continues...
We left off with Bilbo getting aggressive when he faces the reality of parting company with the Eclipse Glasses. He argues that he should have the right to keep them.
The Eclipse glasses are his "precious".
"And yet it would be a relief in a way not to be bothered with these Eclipse glasses any more. It has been so growing on my mind lately. Sometimes I have felt it was like an eye looking at me. And I am always wanting to put it on and disappear, don't you know; or wondering if it is safe, and pulling it out to make sure. I tried locking it up, but I found I couldn't rest without it in my pocket. I don't know why. And I don't seem to be able to make up my mind."
We left off with Bilbo getting aggressive when he faces the reality of parting company with the Eclipse Glasses. He argues that he should have the right to keep them.
The Eclipse glasses are his "precious".
"And yet it would be a relief in a way not to be bothered with these Eclipse glasses any more. It has been so growing on my mind lately. Sometimes I have felt it was like an eye looking at me. And I am always wanting to put it on and disappear, don't you know; or wondering if it is safe, and pulling it out to make sure. I tried locking it up, but I found I couldn't rest without it in my pocket. I don't know why. And I don't seem to be able to make up my mind."
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Don't throw out those Eclipse Glasses after Monday
The Great American Eclipse is almost here, and everyone has been scarfing up those special glasses in anticipation of this rare celestial event. It will all be over before you know it, and then what to do with your glasses?
Well FRET NOT my little snowflakes, for I know how much you enjoy recycling. Just re-purpose those bad boys into Trigger Blockers! Until all of those racist statues can be torn down and replaced with liberal leftist icons like Margaret Sanger - just put on your Trigger Blockers!
BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!! They also function as Trump Twitter Trigger Blockers.
DISCLAIMER: These glasses are not "idiot proof" and severe eye damage may occur if used improperly.
Well FRET NOT my little snowflakes, for I know how much you enjoy recycling. Just re-purpose those bad boys into Trigger Blockers! Until all of those racist statues can be torn down and replaced with liberal leftist icons like Margaret Sanger - just put on your Trigger Blockers!
BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE!! They also function as Trump Twitter Trigger Blockers.
DISCLAIMER: These glasses are not "idiot proof" and severe eye damage may occur if used improperly.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Just Topplin' Statues
Leftist fascist 'anti-fascist' protesters toppled a statue of Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse at Disneyland California. Some protesters ran up to the mangled white nationalist mouse and repeatedly kicked it, while others used the distraction to cut in line for Space Mountain.
In Michael Moore's hometown of Davison, MI, counter counter protesters have pulled down this Big Boy...
H/T to my friend, Ed M...
What! They can't do that!
In Michael Moore's hometown of Davison, MI, counter counter protesters have pulled down this Big Boy...
H/T to my friend, Ed M...
What! They can't do that!
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Just Throwing Rocks
Dear Blog,
I'm not really sure why I seem so fixated on Sasquatch sightings. It's not like I actually BELIEVE in huge, hairy ape-like biped creatures that roam the forests and mountains - smart enough to evade capture or leave any actual evidence of their existence, but so stupid as to preoccupy itself by making stick structures and rock arrangements. I mean, THAT'S CRAZY TALK!
I'm more of an Occam's razor kind of guy and therefore choose the simpler explanation. 'Squatch are superior humanoids who are actually future versions of our evolved selves from some time in the distant future when we have managed to master time travel (and run-on sentences) and can move back and forth from our time to theirs through invisible portals of energy hidden in large oak trees to evade capture while our future ancestors study us.
Since almost every Sasquatch sighting seems to involve them throwing rocks and not firing ray guns, I'm left to conclude that no weapons or materials can go thru these portals, and the 'Squatch travel naked - just like the Terminator.
It's a crazy world and sometimes a tad overwhelming just trying to absorb it all. That's why when I am reading the latest story about a Sasquatch sighting, I will just imagine it is a story about North Korea's Kim Jung Un. Try it!
Kim Jung Un - Real or Hoax?
It works the other way also. Here is how I read the latest headlines in order to cope...
Sasquatch could soon develop a trebuchet with the potential to hit hikers and capmers and irritate them many miles away.
No Sasquatch talks while rocks are flying, Tillerson says
US spy satellites detect rogue 'Squatch building rock pile.
The U.N. Security Council on Saturday voted unanimously to introduce a set of punishing sanctions against these hairy, rock-throwing creatures.
Sasquatch promise 'thousands-fold' revenge in response to United Nations sanctions
Chicago mayor, Rahm Emanuel, likened these sanctions to “blackmail,” and declared that Chicago will remain a Squatch-welcoming city.
Attorney General Sessions said the city of Chicago has chosen to protect criminal Sasquatch who prey on random hillbillys instead of enforcing laws
There. I hope you feel better now.
I'm not really sure why I seem so fixated on Sasquatch sightings. It's not like I actually BELIEVE in huge, hairy ape-like biped creatures that roam the forests and mountains - smart enough to evade capture or leave any actual evidence of their existence, but so stupid as to preoccupy itself by making stick structures and rock arrangements. I mean, THAT'S CRAZY TALK!
I'm more of an Occam's razor kind of guy and therefore choose the simpler explanation. 'Squatch are superior humanoids who are actually future versions of our evolved selves from some time in the distant future when we have managed to master time travel (and run-on sentences) and can move back and forth from our time to theirs through invisible portals of energy hidden in large oak trees to evade capture while our future ancestors study us.
Since almost every Sasquatch sighting seems to involve them throwing rocks and not firing ray guns, I'm left to conclude that no weapons or materials can go thru these portals, and the 'Squatch travel naked - just like the Terminator.
It's a crazy world and sometimes a tad overwhelming just trying to absorb it all. That's why when I am reading the latest story about a Sasquatch sighting, I will just imagine it is a story about North Korea's Kim Jung Un. Try it!
Kim Jung Un - Real or Hoax?
It works the other way also. Here is how I read the latest headlines in order to cope...
Sasquatch could soon develop a trebuchet with the potential to hit hikers and capmers and irritate them many miles away.
No Sasquatch talks while rocks are flying, Tillerson says
US spy satellites detect rogue 'Squatch building rock pile.
The U.N. Security Council on Saturday voted unanimously to introduce a set of punishing sanctions against these hairy, rock-throwing creatures.
Sasquatch promise 'thousands-fold' revenge in response to United Nations sanctions
Chicago mayor, Rahm Emanuel, likened these sanctions to “blackmail,” and declared that Chicago will remain a Squatch-welcoming city.
Attorney General Sessions said the city of Chicago has chosen to protect criminal Sasquatch who prey on random hillbillys instead of enforcing laws
There. I hope you feel better now.
Saturday, August 5, 2017
White House Reno - House of Canine Horrors!
CHATTERING TEETH NEWS - Renovations are now underway at the White House, and contractors have made a gruesome discovery behind a false wall in the Oval Office fireplace.
An emergency team of forensic pathologists were called onto the scene and have determined the blackened pile of butchered carcasses, entrails and puffs of black and white curly fur were the remains of what is thought to be 42 Portuguese Water Dogs.
"Oval Office? More like Offal Office," said one anonymous medical examiner, as he vomited into the trash can next to the Resolute desk.
It was reported last week by that Trump had called the White House a "dump," a charge he denied via twitter on Wednesday. "I didn't say the White House was a dump, I said that it smelled like ass after 8 years of obama," Trump should have clarified.
Now, at least, we know the origins of the odor.
It is well documented that obama is a long-time dog eater during his Indonesian boyhood.
Now we may finally have the answer as to why "BO and Sunny" never came when they were called (and the reason why Barack seemed to constantly be drawing flies).
According to my exhaustive 5-minute google search, six dolphins were used as Flipper in the old 'Flipper' TV series, and as many as nine collies played the part of "Lassie" in that TV series. Now it has been discovered that the Obamas dogs, Bo and Sunny, have been spelled a combined 42 times in Barack and Michelle's sad little 8-year run.
I could be wrong, but I doubt Flipper was replaced due to the Director getting a weekly hankering for a hunk of blackened mahi mahi.
The West Wing refurbishments will continue on schedule, with new carpeting installed, as well as a proper burial for what's left of the earlier versions of Bo and Sunny. Cost runovers are reportedly required for the dismantling of Michelle's vegetable garden and the safe removal of obama's marijuana grow house and meth lab in the White House tunnels.
Bo (#13) during 'happier' times...
An emergency team of forensic pathologists were called onto the scene and have determined the blackened pile of butchered carcasses, entrails and puffs of black and white curly fur were the remains of what is thought to be 42 Portuguese Water Dogs.
"Oval Office? More like Offal Office," said one anonymous medical examiner, as he vomited into the trash can next to the Resolute desk.
It was reported last week by that Trump had called the White House a "dump," a charge he denied via twitter on Wednesday. "I didn't say the White House was a dump, I said that it smelled like ass after 8 years of obama," Trump should have clarified.

Now we may finally have the answer as to why "BO and Sunny" never came when they were called (and the reason why Barack seemed to constantly be drawing flies).
According to my exhaustive 5-minute google search, six dolphins were used as Flipper in the old 'Flipper' TV series, and as many as nine collies played the part of "Lassie" in that TV series. Now it has been discovered that the Obamas dogs, Bo and Sunny, have been spelled a combined 42 times in Barack and Michelle's sad little 8-year run.
I could be wrong, but I doubt Flipper was replaced due to the Director getting a weekly hankering for a hunk of blackened mahi mahi.
The West Wing refurbishments will continue on schedule, with new carpeting installed, as well as a proper burial for what's left of the earlier versions of Bo and Sunny. Cost runovers are reportedly required for the dismantling of Michelle's vegetable garden and the safe removal of obama's marijuana grow house and meth lab in the White House tunnels.

Bo (#13) during 'happier' times...

Friday, August 4, 2017
Trump's new "3 Questions" immigration policy
Trump says he wants immigrants 'who speak English' and won't 'collect welfare'
You mean our immigration system should be built on adding assets and not burdens? What a novel concept! The applications only need those 3 Questions:
1) Do you speaka dee English?;
2) Can you assimilate and contribute to our society?;
3) What is your favorite color?
Here's how the Raise Act will work!
Monty Python and the Holy Grail: 3 Questions
The keeper of the Immigration Bridge of Death will ask each wannabe immigrant three questions. If the traveller answers all three correctly, they may cross in safety and become a productive member of this country. If any of the questions are answered incorrectly, they are cast into the Rio Grande Gorge of Eternal Peril. Let's peek in on the new immigration policy in progress...
KEEPER: Stop! Who would cross the Immigration Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, o'kay? This I will tell you. Buhleave me. What is your name?
IMMIGRANT: f*&k you, cabrón! Me llamo Jose'. Abre la puerta!
KEEPER: I don't think so...
KEEPER: Next! What is your name?
IMMIGRANT: Muhamid Bin Bangin GoatZ el Abdullah. Allahu Akbar!
KEEPER: Nice try f&*ker. You had me at Muhamid...
KEEPER: Next! What is your name?
IMMIGRANT: Barry Soetoro.
KEEPER: What is your quest?
IMMIGRANT: To redistribute wealth and fundamentally transform America into a socialist utopia.
KEEPER: What is your favorite color?

KEEPER: Right. Off you go.
IMMIGRANT: Oh, thank you. Thank you very much.
KEEPER: Just kidding! KEEPER: I don't think so...
"This competitive application process will favor applicants who can speak English, financially support themselves and their families and demonstrate skills that will contribute to our economy," Trump said today at the White House alongside Cotton and Perdue. |
You mean our immigration system should be built on adding assets and not burdens? What a novel concept! The applications only need those 3 Questions:
1) Do you speaka dee English?;
2) Can you assimilate and contribute to our society?;
3) What is your favorite color?
Here's how the Raise Act will work!
Monty Python and the Holy Grail: 3 Questions
The keeper of the Immigration Bridge of Death will ask each wannabe immigrant three questions. If the traveller answers all three correctly, they may cross in safety and become a productive member of this country. If any of the questions are answered incorrectly, they are cast into the Rio Grande Gorge of Eternal Peril. Let's peek in on the new immigration policy in progress...
KEEPER: Stop! Who would cross the Immigration Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, o'kay? This I will tell you. Buhleave me. What is your name?
IMMIGRANT: f*&k you, cabrón! Me llamo Jose'. Abre la puerta!
KEEPER: I don't think so...
KEEPER: Next! What is your name?
IMMIGRANT: Muhamid Bin Bangin GoatZ el Abdullah. Allahu Akbar!
KEEPER: Nice try f&*ker. You had me at Muhamid...
KEEPER: Next! What is your name?
IMMIGRANT: Barry Soetoro.
KEEPER: What is your quest?
IMMIGRANT: To redistribute wealth and fundamentally transform America into a socialist utopia.
KEEPER: What is your favorite color?

KEEPER: Right. Off you go.
IMMIGRANT: Oh, thank you. Thank you very much.
KEEPER: Just kidding! KEEPER: I don't think so...
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