Friday, January 15, 2016

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and his Cabin Boy, Barack Hussein Obama, go Fishing in the Persian Gulf

OBAMA: I couldn't watch that GOP debate last night and listen to all that mean, nasty and ugly stuff said about me. Instead, I went fishing with my BFF, President Rouhani. Now THEREs a guy who appreciates my accomplishments.


  1. I didn't recognize Barry since he wasn't bent over kissing Rouhani's [fill in the blank]. ~:)

  2. Sparky, LOL! However, rest assured that Hussein projected the proper deference to his superior officer, Hassan by repeatedly bowing. The photo simply caught Hussein when in the upright position between bows. As proof, I give you our groveling navy apologizing at gunpoint, and obama offering to clean Rouhani's catch for him.

    Dr. H, Welcome, good doctor. I believe your prognosis has merit. Obama hates these fish.
