Tuesday, April 26, 2016

30 Year Honeymoon Just Gettin' Started

Hold your left hand in front of your face, fingers together with your palm facing away. Now using the pointer finger from your right hand, tap the nail of the left hand's pinkie finger. That represents God's country right here in lower Michigan.

Still trying to get "un-wine-ded" from the great weekend get-away with the love of my life. We drove up last Friday and stayed at a B&B nestled between the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore and just south of Leland. I can't do the review of the Snowbird Inn any justice with my word thingys and the limited time I have right now, but this blogger's review sums it up very well.

Thank you, Lisa! It was a pleasure being your very first guests of the season.

Tina and I spent Saturday on the Leelanau Peninsula Wine Trail traversing the wine-ding roads (see what I did there?) through the beautiful rolling hills of the orchard's and vineyards. The first touristy wine trail event isn't until this weekend, so the crowds were fairly sparse - but that just meant 'a little bit more for Santy Claus... a little bit more for Santy Claus...'

We only crossed paths with one wine bus full of drunk women at the Leelanau Wine Cellars in Omena, but other than that it was clear sailing. We also popped in for a quick peak at all five Catholic churches we came across on the trail. These churches either got progressively more beautiful, or my dry red rose-colored glasses were getting foggier and foggier.

Before I knew it, it was Sunday and time to head for home. We didn't even hit half of the 24 wineries on the Leelanau Peninsula (nor was I ever asked to leave any of the establishments I did frequent) so I guess we have reason to go back soon.

Oh yah, today is our 30th Anniversary.


  1. Thanks DrH! Yes, Uncle-cousin Jim has taught us all a thing or two in the love department. Offer to take Mrs H dancing and report back here her response... I do this with Tina all the time. One of these days I fear she'll call my bluff :)

  2. Happy Anniversary, you wonderful man...sounds like a marvelous time away!
    Blessings to you and your wife! xzx

  3. Beautiful Stuff DeBlade. Many many more to you and your Lovely bride. Sounds like a fantastic weekend too.

  4. A trip like this is way better than winning an award for putting up with ya for 30 years, right!? *giggle* Happy Anniversary! ~:)

  5. Z, it's always great to get away. I'm not really a B&B kind of guy but didn't argue the point with the wife. Believe it or not, I am an introvert in real life, and my loins were girded for a full house of strangers. Imagine my surprise to find us the first and only guests other than our host's best friend who visited and ate breakfast with us.

    Kid, Thank you, sir!

    Sparky, Thanks, and yes I am not always so easy to get along with, so whatever makes the misses happy :)

    Ed, Thank you, sir!

  6. What a beautiful couple. Wishing you many more years. You will if you keep with the celebratory wine and no water.

  7. Why thank you cube! Don't worry, we are OFF the Flint lead water and sticking with the chardonnay.
