On the night of July 21, 1988, a drunk driver blew a red light at the corner of Grand Traverse and Atherton Road driving an estimated 70 miles per hour and killing instantly my brother and his fiancee. Donnie, 23, and Marcie, 21, were on their way home from a friends apartment. They were also scoping the complex out as a potential dwelling place for after they were married - a wedding that was set for October 8th of that year. They were excited and they were happy. They were also wearing their seat belts, and posthumous toxicology tests proved that they were sober. The facts of the case were so heinous that the driver was convicted on two counts of second degree murder. He is out now, a free man - his time long since served. Meanwhile, Donnie and Marcie are still gone. They were young and in love, and they were anxious to start their lives together. They just weren't given the opportunity.
Donnie was my little brother and best friend growing up. He was the youngest of five children. We all miss him dearly.
A fittingly brief remembrance of my baby brother for the blog watchers on the 20th anniversary of Donnie's death. You and I know that it really is but another day, like yesterday & the day before, etc, etc that we quietly remember him, his happy go lucky, care free & humorous approach to life...what once was & what might have been. We love you & miss you Donzie...
ReplyDeleteWell said Anon 1. I find myself remembering him quite often and smiling. His time with us was far too short.
ReplyDelete"OK then!!"
Donnie was loved by all who knew him. He was just fun to be around. A favorite story amongst my friends is the time he entered some dancing contest in one of the flesh factory bars in Myrtle Beach during spring break. He entered this contest under the name of "Studley Muffins" (I think that was how he was announced by the DJ). He wore cutoff shorts and an open Hawaiian shirt exposing his white and ample belly. While Donnie was a little plump in those days, he had some moves (Rebound). The legend goes (as I remember it told) is that, as he survived elimination round after elimination round, his fan following from screaming babes grew and grew. He was the obvious crowd favorite. He lost in the final round to some bronzed, oiled and muscled beach bum. He just laughed. Everybody there had a ball. He was all they talked about. He was that kind of guy.
ReplyDeleteI am very sorry for your loss. I know it was many years ago, but still the loss endures. The world always needs people who find the humor every day and bring smiles to friends and family. Reading your story here about the Myrtle Beach event made me laugh-- I could see it even though I never knew him. So, he's still bringing smiles, even to someone who never met him.
ReplyDelete"Steve, Steve, come here, come here!! It's important !!!!"
ReplyDelete"What ???"
"OK Then......!!"
I was there that night in Myrtle Beach. He was wearing white shorts with the words "Lonely Guy" written longways where the zipper would be. He did busta move like non other. The eventual winner told Donnie, when it got down to just the two of them, that he would split the prize money. Donnie would have none of it! He knew he would win it all, and he should have. Girls bought him drinks all night long after that, and he was treated like a movie star the rest of the night. It's still one of my favorite memories to this day. It was the best day of vacation I've ever had.