Tattoo Barbie, fun for the whole family?
Barbie “Totally Stylin’ Tattoos” for ages five plus. The toy comes with tattoos and a tattoo gun for the dolls and for the kids! So is this harmless little fun and no worse than Cracker Jack press-on tats, or are we one step closer to the abyss?
I'm sorry, but there is no way
my loved one gets
this accessory.
I predict next year's hot new Barbie will be
"Bailout Barbie's Tattoo Regret", complete with tattoo remover funded by the 2009 stimulus bill.
Barbie in politics? A lot of interesting possibilities...White House Intern Barbie, Speaker of the House Barbie, ACORN Barbie, Conservative Pundit Barbie, First Lady Barbie...